Meredith Meacham, PhD, MPH
Cannabis Information: Project Reddibles
Mixed methods analysis of online (Reddit) forum conversations to examine relationships between emerging cannabis products and online information exchange
Role: Principle Investigator
Meacham, M.C.; Nobles, A.L.; Tompkins, D.A.; Thrul, J. (2021) "I got a bunch of weed to help me through the withdrawals”: Naturalistic cannabis use reported in online opioid and opioid recovery community discussion forums. PLOS ONE.
Meacham, M.C.; Roh, S.; Chang, J.C.; Ramo, D.E. (2019) Frequently asked questions about dabbing in online cannabis community discussion forums. International Journal of Drug Policy.
Meacham, M.C., Paul MJ, Ramo DE. (2018) Understanding emerging forms of cannabis use through an online cannabis community: an analysis of relative post volume and subjective highness ratings. Drug & Alcohol Dependence.
Overdose Prevention
Comparison of self-reported substance use and mass-spectrometer toxicology to assess fentanyl exposure in a cohort of unstably housed women in San Francisco
Meacham, M.C.; Lynch, K.; Coffin, P.O., Wade, A; Wheeler, E.; Riley, E.D. (2020) Addressing overdose risk among unstably housed women in San Francisco, California: An examination of potential fentanyl contamination of multiple substances. Harm Reduction Journal.
Public health practice narrative of NEXT Harm Reduction, an online, mail-based platform designed for sending (1) naloxone kits to people at risk for overdose and (2) sterile syringes and other equipment directly to people who otherwise cannot access safe supplies.
Yang C., Favaro J., Meacham M.C. (2021) NEXT Harm Reduction: An Online, Mail-Based Naloxone Distribution and Harm-Reduction Program. American Journal of Public Health.
Substance Use Epidemiology
Trust and Privacy
Digital Therapeutics for Substance Use Disorders
Harm Reduction
Global Mental Health
Text Analysis
Cannabis Information: Trust in Health & Cannabis Info Study
Quantitative survey study examining patterns of cannabis product use and trust in various information sources
Cannabis Information: Budtendencies Research Study
Qualitative interview study exploring the emerging role of budtenders (cannabis dispensary staff) in building relational trust with consumers and identifying and evaluating trustworthy online information